3.2 Submission and Late Work
3.2.1 Assignment Submission
Copies of all assignment requested deliverables should be uploaded to your private assignments repository on GitHub before class on the day that the assignments are due. All assignments will contain details on required deliverables.
The GitHub submission policy is in place because it facilitates clear, easy grading that can be turned around to you quickly. Submitting assignments in ways that deviate from this policy will result in a late grade (see below) being applied in the first instance and a zero grade for each subsequent instance.
3.2.2 Licensing of Student Work
All assignment repositories are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. This license explicitly gives you copyright to all work you create for this course. The license gives Chris permission to copy your work (such as for grading) and to re-use your work later for non-commercial purposes (such as in-class examples) so long as you are given credit for it. However, your work cannot be used for monetary gain (such as in a textbook) and derivative works based on your work are prohibited.
The syllabus agreement at the end of the Student Information Sheet includes an acknowledgment of this licensing arrangement. If you have questions about this, please contact Chris before submitting the form.
3.2.3 Late Work
Once the class begins, any assignments submitted will be treated as late. Assignments handed in within 24-hours of the beginning of class will have 15% deducted from the grade. I will deduct 15% per day for the next two 24-hour periods that assignments are late. After 72 hours, I accept late work at half credit. It is imperative that you avoid missing assignments. They build upon each other, and students can easily find themselves weeks behind on coursework in this class.
If you cannot attend class because of personal illness, a family issue, jury duty, an athletic match, or a religious observance, you must contact me beforehand to discuss alternate submission of work.