8.6 Peer Reviews

I have provided a sample peer review document on Canvas as well as a sample response to reviewer document. Once you receive access to your partner’s paper, you should review it for formatting (using the instructions above), organization, and clarity. You should provide constructive suggestions for how to strengthen the paper. Consider what is present in the introduction, literature review, data and methods, results, discussion, and conclusion - do elements to be changed, added, or removed? You should also consider whether the writing is clear.

Once you receive your partner’s peer review as well as Chris’s feedback, you should construct a response to reviewer document that clearly responds to each critique raised in the reviews. I like to copy-and-paste reviews into a Word document and write out my responses to each criticism before I actually go about editing the paper. This helps me create a to-do list of tasks to accomplish as part of my editing. Your response to reviewers document should be submitted along with your final paper.