6.1 General Notes

As part of WP-3, you selected a geography (typically census tracts) and obtained demographic data for that geography. Then, in WP-4, you projected your main outcome data (e.g. crime, vacant properties, or CSB incidents). Now, it is time to bring those together. This waypoint requires you to add an ArcGIS Project to your final project repository. Make sure that your geodatabase and ArcGIS project file are in the top-level of your repository and not in a dedicated sub folder. Once you have done that, bring your projected point data and your demographic data into ArcGIS Pro, and store copies of these data in your project geodatabase. Then, using those copies, create a new geodatabase feature class that contains counts of your main outcome for each areal unit you have demographic data for. So, if you are working with crime data and have demographic data by census tracts, you would produce counts of crimes for each census tract. In addition to storing these data in your geodatabase, please export a copy as a .geojson file into your data/ folder.